I'm David Bruce of Frederick Web Promotions
What does a Frederick.com sponsor page do for your business?
Here's a short list of Local, Home Grown Frederick Businesses that make effective use of a Frederick.com sponsor page:
Go to Google
Type in: restaurant equipment frederick maryland
You'll get this link:
What does Google say about Gilbert's?
Restaurant Equipment and Supplies for Frederick Maryland ...Restaurant Equipment and Supplies for Frederick Maryland Restaurant's and surrounding counties. New and Used Restaurant Equipment.
www.frederick.com/SponsorPages/bizinfo.asp?spid=4253 - 13k - Cached - Similar pages
Ok, what about taking a taxi to the airport?
Go to Google
type in: frederick airport transportation
You'll get this:
www.frederick.com/SponsorPages/bizinfo.asp?spid=2885 - 21k -
www.frederick.com/index.php?action=sponsor&id=4084 - 17k
frederickairporttaxi.blogspot.com/ - 73k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
That's FOUR out of the top ten
Get a Frederick.com sponsor page... even if you already HAVE an existing website.
Incoming links
Google uses a formula, an algorythim to decide which website is ranked #1
You need all the high value inbound links you can get pointing to your existing website.
Contact David Bruce of Frederick Web Promotions
Email me at davidbruce@frederick.com NOW
Google is Going to BE the MA BELL of this century
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Not yet?